I say keep the mop, man.
Here's to you Mr. Spandex Leg Shaver Register But Never Finish Bike Racer!
Wednesday, 19 November 2008
Our own Mark A. facing the challenge of whether to shave the hair helmet or not...
I say keep the mop, man.
Friday, 14 November 2008
I don't care how cool it looks, I would not want to be a member of THAT group!
Quite a dunk : A member of the
Milwaukee Bucks "Rim Rockers" goes airborne for an acrobatic slam dunk
to entertain fans during a break in the action against the Golden State
Warriors at an NBA pre-season exhibition game in Beijing at the Beijing
Basketball Arena. (AFP/Frederic J. Brown)
There has been some concern with the direction of the blog...
And no, Devin, pooping on the steps of the capitol building in protest of dirty coal production is not off limits. That would fit great in this blog so shit away.
Hugs and Kisses,
Fidel Castro
Why's it gotta be white?
Seriously though, he should have had a Bull Terrier or something, not a fru fru fucking whateverthehell.
I MUST have been runner up.
Brazil's Melanie Nunes Fronckowiak (R) and France's Saiba Bombote (L)
pose after they won the female and male final of the "most beautiful
bottom in the world" competition in Paris November 12, 2008. Some 45
finalists from 26 different countries took part in the competition to
win a modelling contract and 15,000 euros prize money.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
Monday, 3 November 2008
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
Holy Cow... I Mean, Holy Shit!
This undated mug shot released by the
urinated on a neighbor's porch and chased children while wearing a cow suit, according to a
(AP Photo/
Monday, 6 October 2008
Fueling our need
Saturday, 27 September 2008
Friday, 19 September 2008
Tuesday, 16 September 2008
Devin's new hobby
Saturday, 30 August 2008
Thursday, 28 August 2008
Friday, 22 August 2008
Well, I DO love animals...
Members of People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) take
part in a protest against the use of bear skin to make hats for the
British Royal Guard, in front of the British embassy in Belgrade July 31, 2008.
REUTERS/Djordje Kojadinovic (SERBIA)
OK, I love the picture and that really is the reason I started to consider this picture for a posting. Butt then I noticed how the protester in the background is WEARING A HAT THEY ARE PROTESTING AGAINST!!! So, in summary, I love this picture.
Wednesday, 20 August 2008
Well at least this is related to biking.
Tuesday, 19 August 2008
Every once in a while something special happens at the games...
That's hot, I don't care who you are. Man, I love the javelin.
Friday, 15 August 2008
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Straight talk from a true champion
Wednesday, 13 August 2008
Devin, the President saw your last race and wanted to let you know you did a good job...
Aww, he is cute without his helmet and protective goggles.
Tuesday, 12 August 2008
Tuesday, 22 July 2008
You've Got environMENTAL Problems, Man.

Cat shit coffee duhduhduh, cat shit coffee, duhduhduhduh
Monday, 14 July 2008
A turning of the tides???
Thursday, 26 June 2008
Fun Facts About Cycling
1) Modern Cycling began in 1991 with the rise of the grunge movement out of Seattle.
2) Early bicycles were powered by small weasel-fed engines.
3) For health reasons, it is recommended you either where a cup or have your testicles removed prior to riding a bicycle.
4) Road bike tires were originally made from whale sphincters.
5) Mountain bike tires were originally made from hippie hair (though everyone thought that was really nasty).
6) The Tour de France was actually named for Colonel Francis "Tour de France" Williamson and not for the country in which it is supposedly held. That country was actually named for the colonel as well because, and I quote, "he was such a cool guy" and Stinkymeanpeoplesburg was too long.
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Seriously Folks...
OK, this is the dumbest thing ever. Who handed this to me? WTF, people? We are trying to run a respectible slander site. What is this rubbish, what are we??? Amatures? You are pathetic! This is what I get for not reading what is handed me before I write it down in a blog.
And shame on you, Devin. Read a calendar every once in a while.
And the winner is...
Sorry about that. So it turns out there will be a new grand prize winner for Bike to Work Day. No doubt they will have a totally awesome prize like a strobe headlight or platinum rims for their bike or something of that most useful nature.
What I learned today is that if you F with the coordinator of a Bike to Work Day, you had better be prepared to get run the F over if you get caught. This is no joking matter... evidently... for some reason.
Monday, 16 June 2008
Dear Diary...
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
The Real Motivation Behind Devin's Amazing Victory......FINISHING
Sunday, 18 May 2008
In A World Of Uncertainty
I took my son to the race in Lakewood to watch what I was sure would be another opportunity for me me to point out a failure in racing. Instead I got sunburned, chased after Liam yelling "put down that cone" and "look out for the racers", and was introduced to the hell that is watching a 50 mile 3 lap race. So that was nice.
Liam loved it because he was able to chuck rocks, play with various bugs, and watch the kids race their version of the Tour de France sans steroids. Well I suspected this burley 7' three year old of being on something until his father assured me it was the results of a completely legal protein powder from GNC.
Devin's Race-
Lap 1:
They took off. I nearly missed this due to my aforementioned son and his penchant for chucking stones. 45 minutes or so later Devin came riding by looking like someone pissed in his protein shake (no, a different protein shake... have you even seen Devin?). Turns out he was just overheating.
Lap 2:
They kept going. About another 45 minutes later half of the racers were already past and no sign of Devin. I had shared a delicious BBQ chicken sandwich with Liam and was feeling rather like leaving to take a nap. (We had seen 3 races finish in the time it took these "grown-ups" to complete one lap. Should be paying the kids to ride especially Jr. Hefty von Proteinpowder.) We started walking toward the hill down to the car. We had to cross part of the race trail but before could get there, Devin decided to thwart our escape by tossing his nearly empty water bottle at us as he rode by. (Where did he even come from?) Liam made it his personal mission to hand the container back to Devin. Guess we are staying put.
Lap 3:
And on and on they raced. Could this be Devin? Nope, too fast. This one? Nope, too old. Ahhh... no. Too feminine. Too feminine??? That doesn't sound like me. How about too masculine... and it was a girl. Perfect. Anyway, just as I thought we were going to be treated to another classic DNF, I saw a bike begin it's slow motion decent (much like Chariot's of Fire without the horses) towards the rocky turn that had claimed so many racers that afternoon. I saw a figure pushing himself to the limits much like Cher's attempt to be a man. Like Corky from Life Goes On I saw the face of an angel... with Down's Syndrome. I saw no sign of my son, where the duce did he get off to... oh, "hey get back over here. You scare the hell out of me when you take off like that." I looked to again see Devin. This time he was coming around that perilous corner for he last 150' of trail. Why is his shirt open? He crossed the finish line smiling to my son and I with a look of triumph in his surely hung-over, bleary, Irish eyes.
He had done it. Despite the odds stacked against him by there being a race. Despite the evidence of the mobs of fans along the trail (why else would his shirt be half off?). Despite this blog, Devin had overcome his fear of finishing a race to come in some place between #1 and # last! Better luck next time, Devin.
Thursday, 15 May 2008
2008 Battle The Bear XC Mt. Bike Race. Game On!!!

Devin has confirmed he is registered for this local race in Lakewood, CO. The pressure is on and Devin looks good to get another DNF of the season. Based on his training he looks to crash his bike about a mile from the finish. That is the game plan but you never know a bear could pop out on the trail and scratch him causing him to DNF. Maybe a spectator yells too loud and scares him causing him to stop racing fearing the same loud cheering the next lap around. No one really knows what's going to happen but it is sure to be an exciting DNF'er for Devin. Stay tuned for the latest and greatest news on Devin: The DNF'er.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Damn Interesting Indeed
I was reading an amazing story about a man in
I learned a few things reading this article:
1) Cats suck.
2) Hunting them is vital to our survival.
3) Hippyism (the act or practice of being a dirty hippie) began in
4) The people of
5) Had Devin been the guy hunting these killer cats, we might all now be ruled by a race of savage, man-eating, giant tigers!
Friday, 9 May 2008
1st of many blogs to capture the 2008 DNF highlights
That is the million dollar question and the only question that matters to those of us who have a deep following of our fellow friend Mr. Devin Does Not Finish. Check back for more results or not.