Here's to you Mr. Spandex Leg Shaver Register But Never Finish Bike Racer!

A Blog devoted to Devin's dream of finishing bike races.  In the DNF category Devin is always a winner.  Devin Now Finishes or Devin Never Finishes. DNF.

Monday, 16 June 2008

Dear Diary...

6/16/2008 - Looking back at what has been happening, I have to say that certain things have impressed me greatly. Let's evaluate the numbers.

2 - The number of races Devin has completed this month. He has actually reached down and evaluated his manhood and deemed it acceptable to act like a cyclist.

4 - The number of finishes Devin has overall this season. This number is 2 more than a normal season causing Devin to actually consider running for office with the ACA. Keep it in your pants, Devin... it is just a couple races.

6 - The number of races Devin has started this season. This number looks rather awful until you pair it with the previous number af races he has finished.

8 - The number of times Devin begged me to write something nice about him.

9 - The number of times Devin threatened me to write something nice about him.

Devin is becoming a cyclist.

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